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All gardeners want their trees to grow strongly. This is why it’s recommended that you mulch around the tree. You’ll protect the roots from cold temperatures and weeds. So, is it a good idea to use a mulch ring around your trees?
Mulch rings, especially ones made from rubber, aren’t good for trees. The dense materials can store moisture, increasing the risk of fungal infections. Rubber mulch rings might also leak toxic chemicals into the soil. Instead, gardeners should use loose organic mulch.
Mulching around your trees is always a good idea. But you must be careful about the type of mulch you use. Some species will struggle if you use mulch rings. Keep reading to learn more about mulch rings and how to use them properly.
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Mulch Rings For Trees?
The biggest benefits of mulch include its simplicity and durability. Other benefits include; retaining soil moisture, protecting from harsh temperature, and improving aesthetics. But there are some drawbacks, including; an increased risk of fungal infections and potentially limiting oxygen flow.
Before using mulch rings, it’s important to consider this approach’s pros and cons. This will allow you to determine whether it is the right approach for your trees.
Let’s start by looking at some of the reasons why you might want to consider using mulch rings. These include:
- Controlling weeds. The ring will block the sunlight. This makes it impossible for weeds to grow. This reduces the amount of maintenance your trees will require.
- Doesn’t disrupt the nutrient flow. While weeds won’t grow through the mulch ring, the nutrients will have no problems getting through.
- Protects from the winter chill. The thick mulch ring will lock heat into the soil. This can be great in winter when cold temperatures can damage tree roots. This is especially important for younger trees, which haven’t developed an extensive root system.
- Improving moisture retention in the soil. The mulch will slow evaporation, so more moisture remains within the soil. As a result, you won’t need to water your trees as frequently.
- Protects from mowers. These rings limit how close you can get with your lawn mower and wire trimmer, so there is no risk of accidentally damaging the tree.
- Improves aesthetics. Often, a mulch ring will be more attractive than bare soil.
- Easy to use. A mulch ring is very easy to install. As we’ll explain, you’ll be able to pop it around your trees within a few minutes.
- Durability. Natural mulch breaks down and needs to be replenished, while a mulch ring will last for several years.
While there are plenty of benefits that stem from the use of mulch rings, there are a few downsides that you should consider.
One of the risks is that these mulch rings can limit the amount of oxygen entering the soil. This might make it harder for the tree to gather nutrients and prevent it from taking up water. As a result, growth will suffer.
Another potential issue is that it can trap moisture, holding it close to the truck’s base. This can increase the risk of fungal disease. It also creates an environment where carpenter ants and termites will thrive.
There are a few types of mulch rings available. Though a few issues are involved with rubber rings in particular. These are:
- Rubber will leach into the soil. As the mulch ring breaks down, the rubber will start to leach into the soil. This can damage some plants, turning leaves yellow. It has also been known to kill some plants.
- Fire hazard. Ohio State University studied
various mulch materials to see how flammable they are. They found that they could consistently ignite rubber and that this material was the hardest to put out.
While these drawbacks don’t mean that you shouldn’t use mulch rings, it does mean that you should be careful about the circumstances in which you are using them. Pay particular attention to signs of fungal disease.
The good news is that there is an alternative you can explore. You can use organic mulch. It will bring many of the same benefits while avoiding many of these downsides. We’ll examine this approach in more detail later.
Types Of Mulch Rings For Trees
Mulch rings can be broken down into a few distinct varieties. These are:
- Rubber. First, you can use rubber mulch. These have a similar appearance and texture to real mulch. Plus, it will last for a long time.
- Weed mats. These are made from plastic or fabric for enhanced durability.
- Mulch mats. This is often the best option for your trees. It is made from an eco-friendly material, like hemp, so it will eventually break down.
How to Install a Mulch Ring
Installing a mulch ring doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are the steps that you need to follow:
- Slide the ring on. There will be a thin line around the ring, which you use to slide past the tree trunk. Once it’s on, line up the hole so it’s centered around the tree’s base. Make sure that the seams line up neatly.
- Secure the ring. Now, it’s time to ensure the ring doesn’t go anywhere. You can nail fabric seams around the outside of the mat. Make sure to put one on either side of the seam to hold it. It might take a few days to settle down into the grass.
- Adjusting the tree ring. As the tree grows, the trunk will expand. To give it more space, you can take a knife and cut the mulch ring to size.
Are There Alternatives to Using A Mulch Ring?
Many gardeners will opt to use organic mulch over a mulch ring. While organic mulch might be a little more work, it will allow nutrients to be released into the soil. Another option is not to use any mulch at all, though this will leave plants more vulnerable to temperature extremes.
You don’t need to use a mulch ring. There are a few other options that you can explore. Let’s look at some of these approaches.
Applying Organic Mulch
One of the best approaches is applying organic mulch. This creates the same benefits as a mulch ring. But unlike a mulch ring, natural mulch will be loose pieces rather than a tightly bound material. It will also break down faster, releasing nutrients into the soil. This means that you will need to replenish the mulch frequently.
This video gives you some tips on how you can apply natural mulch to your trees, or you can follow these steps.
Not Applying Any Mulch At All
Sometimes, you might opt not to apply any mulch at all. This relies on the species being adapted well to the local soil conditions. If the trees aren’t, they will be vulnerable to temperature swings. You’ll also have to be prepared to spend more time weeding the garden.
Final Thoughts
Mulching your trees is important. But you need to be careful about the way you are doing it. It’s best to avoid using a mulch ring, mainly if it’s made from rubber. While it will be easy to use, it also comes with a few big downsides. It will increase the risk of fungal growth and present a fire hazard.
Instead, it’s best to use organic mulch. This will do everything a mulch ring does while releasing more nutrients into the soil and allowing trees to absorb oxygen freely.